The Rambouillet national sheepfold participates in the development of wool production

The Rambouillet national sheepfold participates in the development of wool production

By Philippe Cohen published on 78ctu see my news

The Rambouillet national sheepfold holds the top of the poster in Paris.A large exhibition is currently devoted to the Hôtel de Soubise, to the National Archives, on the history of merino since its arrival, 230 years ago.

"It is a fairly exceptional resonance box," says the director of the sheepfold, Roland Delon.The sheepfold entrusted to the archives many documents which allow us to understand the economic importance of wool under Louis XVI and Napoleon.

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The world of luxury interested

Today, the sheepfold will participate in the revival of the wool sector by participating in the project of the tricolor collective which is based on companies and wool experts."Companies, especially that of the luxury world, are increasingly interested in the quality of wool and are looking for French wool.»»

The sheep war!

We do not imagine how strategic wool quality was strategic at the international level in the 18th century.The prosperity of factories are created in France.To cope with the development of the sector in Great Britain, King Louis XVI is eyeing Spain, known for his merino to Laine Surfine.Secret kept by the great shepherds called Mayorals.Objective: to develop the own French stump of rams in the Blanche fleece.The king will ask for his scholars, his diplomacy and his family ties to the King of Spain.Blood and strategic links will seal the pact between Louis XVI and his cousin, Charles III of Spain in order to bring in France the famous herd of merino.In 1786, the herd was led on foot, from Spain to Rambouillet.A story that has been going on for 230 years.

The expertise of the sheepfold

La Bergerie nationale de Rambouillet participe au développement de la production de la laine

The sheepfold has a key role to play "to bring its know-how.We have a wool expert.We can work with INRA which has measurement tools.It is important to recaracterize wool according to breeds for better knowledge of wool qualities and the choice of sheep.Thus, some coarse wools will be more suitable for the carpet or isolation.Merinos, very fine, is intended for clothing and luxury.»»

Today, mowing products are, every two years, sent to a manufacturer, who makes clothes and scarves sold in the Bergerie store. « Il nous dit que la laine du mérinos de Rambouillet a un comportement particulier, différent de celui d’autres mérinos»», confie le directeur.

Also on sale at the sheepfold, woolen balls are currently used also by the Merinos Crochet association which makes 100 % local creations.

Jusqu’au 18 avril, aux Archives nationales à Paris, hôtel de Soubise, 60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois.Horaires d’ouverture : en semaine de 10 h à 17h30, samedi et dimanche de 14 h à 17h30. Fermé le mardi.Contacts & infos : Archives nationales – Expo Guerre des moutons

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