When the brokers are displayed

When the brokers are displayed

Between conformism and fantasy

Despite the intense competition that reigns in the real estate brokerage world, many advertising displays are confined to agreed models: photo, name and contact details, accompanied by a ready -made sentence. Why ?

"Brokers often come together behind recognized real estate agencies, which have somewhat traditional and conformist ways to do things, with promotional frameworks to keep a certain uniformity in the way of presenting themselves", Recalls consultant Martin Proulx. He stresses that small agencies tend to get out of the frame, with more creativity or by targeting more specific market segments. Our examples also show that family or individual businesses, even affiliated with a large brand, dare to get out of nails.

Conversely, can too much advertising daring be dangerous? "The audacity can create impact, but the content and the message itself must seduce and attract. As it is a densely competitive sector, if you are not able to have a frequency of exhibition, we will seek to give a big blow. An old adage said: "To be noticed, it is better to go once in Rolls-Royce in front of a woman than 10 times in Volskwagen", "concludes the consultant.

When the brokers are displayed