Lena situations, filter -free confidences

Lena situations, filter -free confidences

Enablishment of the day: where to meet for a quiet interview when only the terraces are open and that it rains strings, even in May?Lena situations had just given an appointment in a street of which we will have the name.The influencer tells all "her life" on the networks to "her fan base", but, faced with the mad love that she arouses Irl [in real life], she prefers to keep her secret neighborhood.In search of a reservation, despite everything, we try a phone call in a restaurant.When the guest's name announces, the tone changes.The young server says: "Of course I know Lena!"As if it were her best friend, and we find a VIP place illico.This is this kind of details that we are dealing with who we are dealing with: a 23 -year -old girl who has "vlogue her life" for four years, in the words of a 16 -year -old fan.Every Sunday evening, at 8:50 pm, she posts a video in the form of a diary [a vlog]: "How I sinned my crush", "I have a date with myself", "my father guess thePrice of my clothes "," I found an OMG apartment "... The influencer Lena situations is the web star of the moment, or rather the Kol [Key Opinion Leader], according to the expression of marketing experts bait by these newkings and queens of the web, capable of federating a community on their sole name.At 23, Lena Mahfouf has nearly 2 million subscribers on YouTube, 3 million on Instagram, 1 million on Twitter, 1.7 million on Tiktok and scoring videos with 6 million views.Happy smile, smart look under the curls, she landed as a well -high girl apologizing for her five short minutes late.Before ordering a red coca ("my drug"), she is surprised to be recognized despite her mask and her hood ("people all work at the FBI, or what?").

>> Lire aussi : Dans les coulisses du shooting des trois couvertures de Lena Situations pour ELLE

« Beigbeder, qui m'a taillé un costard dans “Le Figaro”, m'a fait une com' de malade, grâce à lui, j'ai eu le “New York Times”»»»

"To make her cover for me, for me, it's crazy, I bitten her to my mother who was subscribed, I will surprise her," rejoices Lena Mahfouf in front of a highly Instagrammable tomato burrata salad.Its internal hard drive is programmed in joy of life and enthusiasm mode.However, she started her videos at 18 in Galérienne, a childhood student, combining odd jobs to pay a fashion and marketing school overpriced.She took her New York subscribers to Los Angeles, without hiding anything from the back of the scene, carried by the niac of those who finally live their dream.Since then, she has decided once and for all to take life on the right side ... With a sharing benevolence: "For the shoot of her, I first wondered how to be as stylish possible.But I saw myself younger, crushed with complexes in front of the images of too fresh girls to whom I never managed to look like ... "passing" on the other side of the mirror ", this ambassador in spite of herself from the generation Z [born after1995] wanted to show a more uninformed image: "Me naturally, without any artifice.With dark circles, a wrinkle regrowth ... And then other more glam photos, where we understand all the job done to get there."While spinning her beige nails on her iPhone, she insists:" Keep my curly hair is not a detail: teen, it was my worst shame.I did not yet have Rihanna or Zendaya to say to me: "Assume, my daughter!""There will finally be three different covers of the number you hold in your hands, but the anecdote tells how Lena offers himself to the world, somewhere between joyful egocentrism, natural disarming and inclusive altruism.His fans saw her in pajamas upon waking, in sewing dress in a large hotel, in two room jersey or in a baggy, in anxiety crisis in his kitchen or amazed in front of a gold tap in the toilet of Ritz.Free enough to swing "Face Cam" [and without sponsor]: "I receive 300 balls, but I prefer Nivea".They know the days when she is "cheume" [ugly], her punchline genius and her self -mockery.They drink their resilient advice.Lena situations, it's Kylie Jenner + Matthieu Ricard.Fashion + personal development.His slogan ?+ =+: the positive attracts the positive, and "always more", it is the title of his book, half intimate newspaper, half advice to teens.This winter, it has become a phenomenon that dried up the booksellers on the spot, they who did not believe it: 400,000 copies sold.It's more than Emmanuel Carrère or Joël Dicker, a Hold-up on the publishing market and a bingo for its publisher (Robert Laffont).Frédéric Beigbeder, who defines himself "in diplodocus of the new world", had pruned a suit in "Le Figaro", mocking "his assumed unculture": "Between being and nothingness, the situations rather favors the second option."Placidal commentary on the influencer:" Beigbeder gave me a patient's com ", thanks to him, I had the" New York Times "."She assumes her limitless ambition and does not come back to continue to blame the girls:" If there is, my next book will be called "even more", and the next "never less".»»

Égérie de la dream team des influenceuses, elle est apparue en avril dans la liste des «moins de 30ans à suivre»»» du magazine « Forbes»»».Courted by the whole land, dubbed by fashion, the girl remains nature: "I do not play it big American rest"».The fashion journalist Loïc Prigent, who contributed to his entry into the Fashion Circle by sending him to a Balmain parade or by filming her a day in Venice [for Miu Miu], praises the charm of "her immersive writing way sitcom"».His authenticity of good girlfriend is what the marks covet, a support contract.This is how Lena Mahfouf earns her life.How much ?"Enough to have a nice life, not enough to buy me an apartment.»»» Contrairement à ses camarades, elle avance sans agent, sans équipe et sans filet.His videos are homemade, filmed and mounted by him.Independent and sharpened, post-modern mix of spontaneity and control, it disembarks on the metro or lime electric bike shootings, its laptop in hand, filming everything.This is how his life becomes a soap of reality more addictive that reality TV. Jusqu’à quand pourra-t-elle tenir sans surjouer la candeur, l’émerveillement ? « Ma chance est d’avoir commencé vieille, à 18 ans»»», dit-elle sans rire, donnant au passage la mesure détraquée du temps sur Internet."The sooner I could not have managed.Today, I am head of my company, I have a full -time employee assistant.I don't sell a product, but my personality, so I'm not going to start pretending.There, I am 23 years old, and I wonder what we are supposed to do at that age.I don't want to be an adult, it's boring, but on the other hand, it's a bit stylish!I share all this with my subscribers, who grow at the same time as me.And I am the group's old on Tiktok.Some people want me ... "»

« J'ai pas envie d'être une adulte, c'est chiant, mais, d'un autre côté, c'est un peu stylé»»»

Lena Situations, confidences sans filtre

Its evolution is scrutinized with a magnifying glass, and not only by advertisers.Laurence Allard is a sociologist of digital uses, university teacher [in Lille] and researcher [at IRCAV-Paris III], fascinated by the success of those she calls the ego-entrepreneurs."Lena situations is a separate case.She embodies a paradoxical moment of celebrity, breaking with the models of the past: a very ordinary way of being, but which arouses extraordinary life desires.Even in Dior or Saint Laurent, she has the talent of arranging a gesture, a grimace, a valve, a backwards behind the scenes.True or false, it performed the gap with a disconcerting naturalness, which paradoxically makes it very bankable.It also stages the laborious dimension, fatigue, back kitchen ... It manages to trivialize all situations, even the most luxurious.She has skills and skills at the same time.»»» Même les politiques ne sont pas indifférents.Contacted this winter by Gabriel Attal, the government spokesman, to evoke the rigors of confinement with youth, Lena Mahfouf politely declined the invitation: "I am no longer a student, I was anything but legitimate.»»» Prudente dans ses engagements, elle nous confie pourtant qu’elle votera « toujours pour la solidarité»»», ajoutant : « Jamais je ne me tirerai à Dubaï pour ne pas payer d’impôts.»»» Ses copains McFly & Carlito à l’Élysée ? « C’était génial et c’est un tournant.But they have maturity to do it, me not.I am at stage 1 of politics.For the moment, Dior, yes, Macron, no.»»»

Lena Situations a aussi le génie de mettre en scène sa bande [« Ma clique»»»] façon « Friends»»», la série culte de sa génération : Solène, l’amie d’enfance devenue une infirmière valeureuse, Cindy, son assistante et bonne copine, les youtubeurs Bilal Hassani ou Seb la Frite… Et puis Karim, le papa tendre et serviable."My father is Kabyle, his mother is French. Ma mère vient d’une famille musulmane en Algérie, ils sont arrivés à Paris avant ma naissance»», confie la jeune femme qui vit encore à deux pas de chez eux."They are completely open, not religious, not the type to make moral lessons.I am a Franco-Algerian, I come from a rebeu family, neither it is a secret nor it is a subject.»» Elle a beau être « une licorne de la génération Z»»», selon les termes du marketing, pas question de jouer sur la fibre identitaire.If his parents fled civil war, they never talk about it.Léna prefers to give cooler news: “My father lost his puppetry job for school children with confinement.But he has just drawn a comic book [“dad situations”] to explain my work to adults who do not understand anything.»»» Ses parents sont divorcés.Her mother was a seamstress, she fights against the disease.Lena version, which is positive: "She is too strong, my mom.It’s a cancer superheroine.»»»

Mais pourquoi ce nom bizarre, Lena Situations ? On pense au mouvement radical des années 1970, les « situationnistes»»», quelque part entre lutte politique, critique de la modernité et poésie surréaliste. On lui raconte comment Guy Debord avait prophétisé les ravages de « la société du spectacle»»» à coups de formules chocs: « Le spectacle s’est mélangé à toute la réalité, en l’irradiant»»»; « Dans un monde réellement renversé, le vrai est un moment du faux.»»» La jeune fille ouvre de grands yeux : « Ça m’intéresse ! J’aimerais répondre un truc stylé sur Lena Situations, mais, la vérité, c’est que j’ai choisi un nom facile à taper sur Google et qui sonne pareil en anglais.»»Before leaving the restaurant running under a pouring rain, the girl 2.0 vérifie un dernier détail: « Ça va, j’ai été bien dans le rôle de l’interviewée ?»»»

« Toujours plus, + = +»»» (éd.Robert Laffont).