Brigitte Bardot, myth and brand of Saint-Tropez

Brigitte Bardot, myth and brand of Saint-Tropez

Brigitte Bardot est une femme d’habitudes. Tous les jours, elle quitte sa villa La Madrague à midi. Elle s’engouffre dans sa 4 L avec quatre ou cinq chiens et rejoint son autre maison de Saint-Tropez, La Garrigue, achetée à la fin des années 1970 sur le site paradisiaque du Capon. Elle y a pour voisin le milliardaire russe Roman Abramovitch, qui a acquis une luxueuse villa pour 250 millions d’euros. Elle ne sait pas qui il est. Ce qu’elle recherche, sur cette colline préservée, c’est retrouver le calme qui lui manque tant à La Madrague depuis des décennies.Brigitte Bardot, mythe et marque de Saint-Tropez Brigitte Bardot, mythe et marque de Saint-Tropez

"Thirteen tourist boats rotate a day," says her husband, Bernard d'Ormale.They approach as close as possible to our windows with loudspeakers howling: “Here is Brigitte Bardot's house, you can take photos!” It's unbearable, we hear them with all the rooms and we cannotno longer go out on the pontoon or swimming.»»

It is therefore in La Garrigue that Bardot, 82, takes refuge.She works there, reads the dozens of emails and letters sent to her every day, answers her round and childish writing.Most letters relate to the defense of animals, others are requests from people in distress, which they strive to help. « Ce boulot la tue»», confie son époux, qui est son fil avec le monde extérieur.

Long before glory...

Brigitte Bardot, mythe et marque de Saint-Tropez

A La Garrigue, « Brigitte»», comme on l’appelle ici, retrouve ses chèvres, cochons, moutons, canards, oies, ânes, qui vivent en liberté sur un terrain de quatre hectares.In the evening, she returns to the Madrague, where onlookers are waiting for her, just to meet her gaze behind the dirty windows of her old car. Elle a beau avoir fait enlever la pancarte indiquant le nom de sa demeure pour la remplacer par un « toutou’s bar»», les curieux ne sont pas dissuadés.One of them even stole the water bowl for stray dogs.The star must have replaced it with another, that she made it seal.Madrague has always been pillaged by burglars looking for objects belonging to the idol.

Between Bardot and Saint-Tropez, the story started long before glory, long before God created the woman.Simone Duckstein, dapper owner of the Turquoise ponche hotel, remembers their meeting.Simone was 7 years old, her parents were divorced.Brigitte had 14."His parents had a house on rue de la Mercy.They landed with her and her sister of the blue train and had breakfast at the hotel.My mother asked me to get them fresh fougasses, I looked at them as the perfect, united, bourgeois family;They were beautiful.»»

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