How to clean and make brass shine?

How to clean and make brass shine?

Le laiton étant un alliage de cuivre et de zinc, comme ces deux métaux, les objets en laiton ont tendance à se ternir et à s’oxyder avec le temps. Il n’est pas toujours simple de les nettoyer sans prendre le risque de les abîmer. Pourtant, les objets en laiton, souvent symboles d’une autre époque, servent fréquemment à décorer une pièce, en accord avec le style de la maison, et leur surface peut refléter la lumière naturelle lorsque le laiton est bien briqué. Découvrez nos astuces pour entretenir vos objets et pour leur redonner tout leur éclat.Comment nettoyer et faire briller du laiton ? Comment nettoyer et faire briller du laiton ?

How to clean brass?

Our tips and tricks will allow you to clean and maintain your brass objects with ease, with simple and natural, economical and material products.

Soapy water

In a hot water bowl, melt a little Marseille soap.Mix well to obtain a homogeneous result.Soak a chamois or a clean and soft cloth in the bowl and rub your branch objects.Rinse with clear water then finish with a wiping with a clean cloth to avoid traces.


On a clean cloth of microfiber type or chamois, place a hazelnut of toothpaste.Rub your brass object for a few minutes.Then eliminate the excess toothpaste using another clean and slightly damp cloth.Finish with a clean water rinsing then dry with a dry cloth.

SODA based on cola

Pour soda based on cola into a bowl and let your brass objects bathe for a few moments.Take a soft brush and rub their surface, while leaving them submerged.Finally, rinse with clear water then dry with a clean cloth.This sugary drink is indeed an effective antioxidant for metal objects.


Comment nettoyer et faire briller du laiton ?

Yes, you read that right !Ketchup is not only a good condiment and a dish accompaniment, but it is also a practical and economical means of cleaning brass objects.Place it on the washing surface with a clean cloth, then leave for a few minutes.With a sponge, rub the surface of the objects so that the sauce penetrates.Finish with a clean water rinse and drying with a dry cloth.

White vinegar

Brass objects oxidize over time.Spots form on the surface and it is difficult to eliminate them without risking using the material.Fortunately, we have a solution!

In a bowl, mix 1 liter of hot water and 50 cl of white vinegar.Immerse your stained object and let it soak for a few minutes.

Sprinkle a soft, non -scratch sponge, of coarse salt.Take your object out of your bath and rub it with the sponge.Immerse it again and rub again until the spots disappear.Finish with a clean water rinse and drying with a clean cloth.

Soda crystals

In a bowl, mix 1 liter of hot water and ½ glass of soda crystals.Immerse a soft cloth in this mixture and clean your brass object by rubbing the surface.Then rinse with water and dry with a dry cloth.

Black soap and bicarbonate

In a container, dilute 1 liter of hot water, 2 to 3 tablespoons of black soap and 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate.Soak a soft sponge and rub the surface of the brass object.Then rinse the latter in the water then dry it with a clean cloth.

Flour and salt

In a bowl, mix flour, salt and a little water to form a paste.Place it on a sponge and rub the brass.Finish with a clean water rinse and then with a cloth drying.

How to make brass shine?

Brass objects are very beautiful when they shine.The material captures light and diffuses it, like a small sun in the heart of the house.Unfortunately, the passage of time and dust quickly tarnish their surface.However, rest assured, because there are simple tips to make their most beautiful shine.

White vinegar

Pour a few drops of white vinegar on a chamois skin and rub the brass surface to polish it well.Your object will be quickly shiny.Vinegar also eliminates traces of oxidation.


If toothpaste helps clean brass, it is especially ideal for making it shine.Proceed as for cleaning, applying on the surface of the object with a soft cloth.Rub then rinse with water before drying.You will only have to admire the result.

Spicy sauces

Spicy sauces and ketchup make brass very shiny and clean it very well.Apply it on the surface of the object with a cloth and luster.Rinse with clear water and dry with a clean cloth.

Denatured alcohol

Denatured alcohol is an interesting solution to shine and take care of a stained, chipped or oxidized brass object.Start by immersing your object in a soapy hot water basin for 15 to 20 minutes.Then rinse the object with hot water then wipe it with a clean cloth.

Place some alcohol distorted on a cloth and rub the surface of the object.Alcohol will allow you to remove all the scaled varnish.The surface will therefore be prettier and harmonious.On the other hand, without its varnish, brass tends to tarnish faster.So you will have to clean and make your object shine more often.