The 45 worst clothing that should never have seen the light of day

The 45 worst clothing that should never have seen the light of day

Why follow the latest trends and pay out -of -the -price fashion studies when you have already been equipped with a great sense of style since birth?This is the sentence which must have imposed itself as obvious in the minds of designers at the origin of the clothes that we suggest you discover today.

Certainly, we cannot say that these creators are devoid of audacity.However, the expected result is really not there.The result is an absolute clothing disaster.While some designers omitted to check the final assembly of their boss, others have royly planted on the choice of the font or even on the location of the reasons.

Consequently, the result is often strange, grotesque, even downright hideous.Without further ado, we invite you to discover 45 clothes with huge design problems, spotted on Reddit.Sometimes subtle or even downright coarse, one wonders how these parts could be marketed.

#1 Bas imitation nail polish

#2 The snow queen does not approve either

#3 A "hello" can quickly turn in the nightmare

#4 Pants that seems to be inspired by old worn football balls

#5 The designer left the zoom scale on the design

#6 An example reminiscent of the importance of good writing font

#7 We saw more judicious alignments

#8 Not sure it goes to the machine, suddenly

#9 Never cut Uranus on a garment

#10 There are a little too many mouths for Marge Simpson

#11 These luxury glasses were designed to be worn upside down

#12 Super practices these pockets

#13 From socks with rectangular ends

#14 Is there a meaning to these sentences?

#15 Never a hood had been so nightmarish

#16 a frilly badly placed and nothing is "funny"

#17 Certainly, the bones are not in the right place, but at least they come together

#18 Knowing that the first Sonic game was released in 1991, there is a concern

#19 How to subtly pass your political ideas

#20 The height of finesse

#21 If not neither jeans nor a belt, then what is it?

#22 In all likelihood, it is a dog

#23 A down jacket for sister souls that would have liked Plato

#24 without the zipper, the crime would have been almost perfect

#25 for four feet humans

#26 A particularly extreme way of loving your child

#27 A t-shirt found in Thailand

#28 The float of this swimsuit is not the most reassuring

#29 unfamiliar jeans

#30 Jennifer Lopez and its luxury denim boots

#31 that is confusing

#32 The famous dilemma "tacos or pizza" on Friday evening

#33 The rebellion of horses on

#34 not very nice

#35 Even punks can wear fangs

#36 Insert a text here

#37 Something bell on this t-shirt, but what?

#38 A fine example of animal abuse

#39 "Humm...I probably want to wear it open "

#40 Edward of Twilight embroidered on panties

#41 The file name remained on the t-shirt

#42 A sweater that should not be worn for a Christmas meal

#43 ripped cub

#44 France, one of the most beautiful cities in the world

#45: jeans with a muddy voluntary effect that sells for $ 425

With that, we hope you can feel better in your clothes, even if you don't understand anything fashionable.

Les 45 pires fails vestimentaires qui n'auraient jamais dû voir le jour