Money with a little A by Janette Bertrand

Money with a little A by Janette Bertrand

One week into her 96 years of age, Janette Bertrand has not yet begun to save for her old days. But she is not an example to follow, she judges in a burst of laughter.

Publié le 14 mars 2021 Marie-Eve Fournier La Presse

Are you afraid of running out of money when you retire? For many women, this is a serious source of concern for the reasons known: generally lower incomes than men and longer life expectancy.

Unfortunately, the pandemic has exacerbated this financial stress according to various surveys conducted on the subject in recent months.

Janette Bertrand is totally special.

Not only because she is still working at her age, but also because money has never been a concern in her life. At the end of the phone, as if she had known me all along, she confided that she did not know how much her projects would bring her. She has always worked to make herself loved, not to make herself rich … For her, money is even "dirty", in a way.

In fact, the avant-garde communicator has always entrusted others with the task of negotiating her pills. Otherwise, she would have done the job for free. "I was told not to say that!" understand her, she always liked being paid, especially since she considered herself to be "a worthless girl" at the time.

You may think that Janette Bertrand can afford this secondment because her bank account is well-stocked-which is far from the case for all seniors. It is true that she has the means to buy whatever she likes. But the numbers in her statement do not change anything: "I still think I Don't have any money. I find everything expensive. "

L’argent avec un petit a de Janette Bertrand

It's called voluntary simplicity. Or living below his means. Anyway, the strategy has proven itself. Which makes me say that Janette Bertrand is, contrary to what she claims, an example to follow.

For her, her way of life is not an intentional strategy.

Raised at a time when it was forbidden to waste-"especially bread"-she simply cannot help being "very economical." Not to make money. Just to respect his values. She doesn't need any special effort, she has no desire for luxury.

"I Don't have a fur coat, I Don't have a string of pearls. I'm not interested. She never dreamed of owning a large home, her "solid" car has been running for eight years.

With her lover, Donald, who looks closely at the flyers, it's financial harmony. "he's worse than me! He looks where the chicken is cheaper and that's where he's going to go shopping. This week, she warns me, the maple syrup is $4.99 at PA, it's a bargain! "

Mais Mme Bertrand, vous devez bien vous gâter parfois ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait plaisir ? « Du chocolat. Ou un Mae West. J’adore ça. Froid, dans le frigo. Ou de la crème glacée. » Si elle apprécie les sucreries réconfortantes, elle ne court pas les grands restaurants. « Je trouve que ça ne vaut pas le coût de dépenser 200 $ dans un restaurant cher. Ça ne me dit rien. Ça ne me fait pas plaisir. »

She bought beautiful clothes, on the other hand, for the days when she was "performing" on television.

Money, like sex

The prolific writer to whom we must speak the unforgettable to speak is well aware that it is not entirely rational, in her situation, to look for the chicken on sale. That's what fascinates her, exactly, with the money.

It's very, very, very psychologically related. No one has the same sexuality, the same libido, and it's the same for money. It's also twisted.

Janette Bertrand

The influence of the Church, our parents, our personality, our values, those around us, and even our emotional deficiencies sculpt the way we manage the $20 bills in our wallet and credit card. The same goes for investments, real estate, stock exchange.

Janette Bertrand, who has written so much about sexuality, sees many similarities to money. "there are a lot of lies about money. For couples, it's complicated … She gives as an example.

Has she made good or bad investments in her long life? She has no idea, she swear to me. A trusted person takes care of all this for him.

"I needed a new pair of shoes.

For your birthday, Janette, enjoy yourself.