«back to Minsk »»»Report on the border between Poland and Belarus

«back to Minsk »»»Report on the border between Poland and Belarus

In the "hybrid war" waged by dictator Lukashenko, the "ammunition" is migrants, trapped behind barbed wire, hostages of a crisis orchestrated to put pressure on the European Union. Diving in a border area in a state of emergency.

Par Doan Bui (envoyée spéciale en Pologne)Temps de lecture 11 min

"the Polish border is closed! The Belarusian authorities lied to you. Go back to Minsk! Don't take the pills given by the Belarusian soldiers! "the text from the Polish government fell on our phone as we approached the border between Poland and Belarus. Three hours' drive from Warsaw, one would almost feel arriving in a country at war as one sinks into Podlachia, this bucolic region to the east of Poland. Soldiers are everywhere. In the sky, choppers are spinning. On each road, checkpoints, where police check identities and search every vehicle. In the evening, in the darkness and fog, we can see only the torches of the border guards, the blue sirens of the police, and, in the Woods, the braseros: soldiers who stand guard for the night.

There are now 15,000 of them deployed in this handkerchief to watch the approximately 2,000 or 3,000 unfortunate people who are trapped on the other side of the border. With the barbed wire wall in front of them, and behind their backs the Belarusian border guards who forbid them to turn back. Reduced to camping in the forest, without food or water. Here, it doesn't snow yet, but at night, the temperature drops below zero and moisture pierces the bones. They are Syrians, Kurds, Yemenis, Afghans … Human "munitions" in this "hybrid attack"-the term used by the Baltic States and the Polo

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