Dropshipping: scam or good deal?Drop shipping is legal but sometimes risky

Dropshipping: scam or good deal?Drop shipping is legal but sometimes risky

The principle of dropshipping can be used for part of the assortment of the merchant site or for the entire offer.

Dorian Vanderheyden, Web Développeur & Dropshipper, s’est lancé dans le Dropshipping :"""" J’étais au chômage et j’ai commencé une formation informatique.I discovered the web at that time.I asked myself the question: how to earn my money alone on the internet.And it was on YouTube that I found how dropshipping worked.""""

And unlike many tutorials praising the merits of dropshipping where you become a billionaire in a short time, Dorian realizes that it is not that fast and simple that it.This requires a lot of work, you have to have several knowledge, these are very different professions: marketing, design design design, etc.

Se disant que beaucoup de gens aiment le vin, Dorian se lance dans une boutique en ligne consacrée au monde du vin :"""" Practical Wine"""".

""Since I didn't have much money to devote to my shop, I started with 50.100 euros.I said to myself it will be leaving or double.And if sales take off, I will have enough to pay my ad behind, otherwise I close the shop.For me the first advantage of the first dropshipping is not to have a stock, you should not pay rent to store it.""

Dorian réussit à gagner 650 euros en un mois :"""" Ce n’est pas beaucoup.But I realized that the site had faults and I continue to improve it.""""

Dorian est conscient de ses responsabilités envers ses clients :"""" Je fais très attention au service après-vente.My clients have an email address to contact me.And also my phone number and my physical address to send a letter.An online payment paypal service for bank cards so that everything is secure.I even set up a cat like that, they can contact me directly.""""

Il dénonce aussi le compteur factice : certains sites affichent un compteur qui dit :""""attention il reste deux minutes pour avoir le deuxième produit à -50%"" .""""Cela je ne ferais jamais, car c’est mettre la pression sur le client et je trouve que cela fait fuir plus qu’attirer.""""

Dorian is aware that dropshipping does not have a good press, but he believes that it is not at all a scam.It is a business model that is different."""" C’est comme un commerce classique : on achète un produit moins cher, et on le revend plus cher, mais ici sur la toile.""""