Is it dangerous to retain sneeze?

Is it dangerous to retain sneeze?

AAAAH… AAAAAH… AAAAATHOUM!Well done, you did well!


Sneezing is a reflex phenomenon which intervenes as a defense mechanism.It results in abrupt expiration - and sound - through the nose and mouth.Diaphragm and intercostal muscles, so -called "expirators" muscles project the air at very high speed to evacuate the intruders.Totally benign ... unless you try to contain it by blocking your nose and closing your mouth.In this case, the high pressure variation can spread towards the inner ear and the eardrums, and generate serious lesions, type perforation.

Est-ce dangereux de retenir un éternuement ?

In his book 101 tips not to land in the emergency room (ed.Points), the emergency doctor Gérald Kierzek also reports a "plausible" risk of increase in aneurysms which "can go as far as a stroke, rupture of aneurysm or hemorrhage".Another danger, the "pneumothorax, a detachment of the lung which will be sagged in the chest and cause respiratory problems".So, understood?We stop the good manners and we attend free!

Article published in Neon magazine in March 2018

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