Invest in a Birkin bag in Hermès reports more than gold or the scholarship

Invest in a Birkin bag in Hermès reports more than gold or the scholarship

Offering yourself the most expensive renowned bag in the world is not necessarily an inconsiderate expenditure. Depuis quarante ans, sa valeur n'a jamais décru et son rendement annuel a très largement dépassé celui de l'or et du S&P 500, le plus grand indice boursier américain.

284 handbags.And not just any: Hermès Birkin, the most expensive renowned bag in the world.This is what the Malaysian police discovered during searches in various properties of the former Malaysian minister, who would therefore belong to his wife, Rosmah Mansor, already very unpopular in her country where she is suspected of having cheerfullybenefits, via her husband, from corruption that plagues Malaysia.

One thing is certain, the luxury tastes of Rosmah Mansor did not prevent him from opting for articles not losing value.On the contrary. Car le Birkin d'Hermès a surperformé le rendement de l'or ou des grands indices boursiers S&P500, Dax et Cac40, sur les quarante dernières années.

The iconic bag already reaches astronomical prices in store.Count 7000 euros for the basic model, and add thousands of others for "little more" such as gold finishes, diamond clasp, croco skin rather than ostrich leather.But all these zeros represent nothing alongside the value it can reach on the second -hand market.At auction, some models beat records.

Investir dans un sac Birkin d'Hermès rapporte plus que l'or ou la Bourse

One of them, the "Himalaya Niloticus Crocodile Diamond Birkin 30" was sold for 380.000 dollars a year ago during a Christie's sale in Hong Kong.Never seen.The previous record was also held by a birkin, a name paying tribute to Jane who, sitting on the plane next to the president of Hermès in 1984, had asked her for a chic and practical bag to transport her young mother's barda.

Quartz thus calculated that an investor who would have bought an ounce of gold in 1980 and would have sold it in 2017 would have earned an average of 2.1% per year. S'il avait misé sur le S&P500 sur la même durée, il aurait gagné 5,3%.But if he had bought a Birkin bag, before reselling it last year, his average annual return would have reached 14.3%!

Better still: where this investor would have taken a lot of risks by betting on gold or on the stock market, since these investments experienced sometimes violent falls, he would have slept on his two ears with a birkin in his closet.The value of the prestigious shopping bag has never experienced a drop since its placing on the market.

Its continuous and regular outbreak is explained by the very low number of copies on the market, due to drum production.Each model is indeed made by hand from start to finish by a single worker.And some limited editions in the line further increase the rarity of the accessory, and therefore the increase in its value.

Sur le même sujet

Reste qu'à la différence de l'or ou de portefeuille indexé sur le S&P 500, le prix d'entrée pour miser sur un Birkin n'est pas à la portée de tous.And then we should register on the already very long waiting list of sponsors, and wait for the object of its lusts for several years.Now by then, as Hermès always opens more factories to increase its production, the birkin may no longer be as rare and requested, in short, more safe placement.

Nina Godart