Floods: what steps should you take for your insurance?

Floods: what steps should you take for your insurance?

Our expert explains how to get your insurance involved if you are the victim of damage from flooding and heavy rain.

+ READ ALSO | Floods: what can you do in case of flooding? What are the safety tips?

Have you been affected by water damage? How can you be compensated for damage caused by flooding? François De Clippelle, spokesperson for Assuralia, the professional union of insurance companies operating in Belgium, takes stock.

Does the insured have any obligations when floods are announced?

Yes, he must do everything possible to prevent and avoid damage to his property. However, we cannot require, for example, that an elderly person bring their furniture upstairs in a few hours.

Are you required to put sandbags to protect your home?

No, the absence of sandbags cannot harm the insured.

What should I do if I have been flooded?

Take photos of valuables and how high the water has risen. It should not be forgotten that the damage caused by floods does not all appear directly (doors warping, ceiling coming off, etc.) It is therefore important to keep evidence. This also allows you to move forward in the restoration of your home.

Also prepare all the elements (invoices, etc.) that can allow your insurer to save time in fixing the value of the goods. Your file will be all the more quickly constituted.

What if I am a tenant?

If you are a tenant, notify your landlord of the loss without delay; it is indeed his insurance which will reimburse the damage to the dwelling (floors, walls, heating and electricity installations, etc.). Damage to contents is covered by your own fire policy, at least if you have had the contents insured at the same time as your rental liability.

Does my insurance cover all damage?

Inondations: quelles démarches faut-il entreprendre pour votre assurance?

It is useful to look in your contract to see what is covered.

If your car is flooded in your garage, it is not covered by fire insurance but by omnium insurance. On the other hand, bicycles and electric bicycles can be.

You should also be aware that some contracts only cover content installed at a certain height. By way of example only, a contract will not insure property located less than 10 cm above the ground.

Can I contact a company directly to come and pump the water in my home and request that these costs be covered by my insurance?

If you intend to make commitments that will have financial consequences for the insurer, it is best to contact them beforehand.

Will compensation take a long time?

The law requires that the insurance compensates within the month of the expertise.

Am I covered if a landslide affects my property (house, garden, terrace, swimming pool...)?

Landslides are also covered by your fire insurance. Normally, the terrace and extensions of your home are part of it, but I advise you to consult your insurance contract to find out the exact coverage.

Regarding your pool, it is prudent to notify the insurer as soon as it is built.

Can I appeal to the Disaster Fund?

The Disaster Fund does not intervene for individuals. Only your fire insurance covers it.

What should I do if my car is damaged but I absolutely need it (work, vacation, etc.)?

Consult your support contract, it can help you.

In addition to this interview: a flood checklist recommended by the Assuralia spokesperson.