E-commerce: Write a Facebook ad that converts

E-commerce: Write a Facebook ad that converts

I lied to you. The goal of Facebook advertising is not to convert your advertising targets into customers. Your Facebook ad is there to encourage your prospect to click on the link leading to your store…E-commerce: Write a Facebook ad that converts E-commerce: Write a Facebook ad that converts

The conversion is the responsibility of the product sheet.

So how do you get as many people as possible to click on the ad to convert them into customers?


Or the art of persuasion in writing.

And that awful moment when you're in front of the screen...

In the ad manager…

Faced with creating text from scratch…

And there…

No inspiration.

It's a total blur.

The famous white page syndrome…

After a few tries, you launch your ad.

But unfortunately, the results are disappointing.

You are not profitable.

So, how do you finally find the words to optimize the communication of your advertising that will encourage as many prospects as possible to click on your advertising?

That is the subject of this article.

The structure of a Facebook ad

Before diving headlong into the rest of this article, it is necessary to understand the structure of a Facebook ad.

Okay until then, no need to draw a picture. You have grasped the principle.

But how do you write an ad that converts ordinary Internet users into visitors to your website, and then into customers?

First, each of the elements you have just seen in the image contains a very specific function with a specific objective.

1. The creative

The role of the creative?

Stop the user.

You have an average of 1 second to grab his attention. Otherwise it's next for your client.

Rest assured, there are several ways to solve this problem.


The contrast

The colors found in the news feed are light gray and white.

How do you want to stand out from your competitors with a product with a white background?

That's why I highly recommend using bright colors such as orange or red.

In this way, you put all the chances on your side in order to grab the attention of the prospect.

Then second…

Human faces

I don't think you'll be surprised if I tell you that female faces attract more attention than male faces.

Or for example images of baby dogs/cats.

However, you can highlight an emotion:

It goes without saying that negative emotions tend to be more memorable. This is the psychological bias "negativity bias", already well known.

Here is an example for the emotion of surprise:

These are already well-known principles on which I do not wish to dwell.

Because what particularly interests us in this article…

How do you write copy that persuades your prospect to visit your store… to buy?

It may be a "boat" to say, but your customer will not click on your ad because you have a nice image/video.

2. The title and the description

Once you have succeeded in stopping the Internet user, it is now a question of explaining to him in a few words what value you bring him.

So the aim of the title of the advertisement is not to give a banal description of the style “An original wooden watch”.

What you're looking to do here is summarize the benefit of the product, or press on a pain, depending on the communication angle you've chosen.

For example:

The headline "NEW: Fit Energy Drink nu3" sums up what this ad is all about in a simple and concise way.

Furthermore, the description “Fill up with natural energy!” further sums up the benefits of the product:

3. The text of the publication

If we take the same advertisement from nu3, you can see that a specific benefit is highlighted: “low in sugar and calories”.

It is well known that in sales the benefits sell more than the characteristics.

As a result, you have several options for presenting the benefits of your product.

Bullets (bullet points)

In this specific case, we could have simply listed the benefits one after the other like this:

E-commerce: Writing a Facebook Ad that converts

Which could have avoided writing a paragraph like nu3 did and would have allowed the Internet user to "scan" the ad more easily.

However, in this advertisement, these few words caught my attention: “ultra-passing taste of ginger and lemon”, “irresistible freshness”.

Visualization (5 senses)

That's why I still chose to show you this ad, because you see we appeal to different senses:

Very well thought out from nu3.

Although it is sometimes difficult to include the 5 senses, this advertisement has achieved its objective: to make you visualize consuming the product.

Because this nu3 is looking to sell here it's not a refreshing drink... it's a moment of boost on a scorching summer day. (It's going through my head as I write these lines, I'm working on a terrace at 26°C in the shade.)


In short, concerning the text of the publication, you still have other "formats" such as:

It is indeed quite common to see ads starting with a question. It is indeed very useful to involve the Internet user because it is addressed directly.

And of course, how can we move on to the rest of this article without telling you about the different “options” that you can integrate into your advertising:

These are basic concepts, which you probably already know.

However, there is one option that I hardly ever see, and yet it is dreadful.

Let's take an example: when one of your visitors hastened to leave your shop while on the payment page, something must have blocked them.

What happened?

It was there on your product page.

He looked at your product, read its description, even consulted customer reviews.

He added it to the cart, went to the checkout page.

Then poof, bye bye.

“But why? you will tell me.


Objection, objection, objection.

Several factors prevented your prospect from completing their purchase:

Or if it doesn't concern your store as a whole, it must necessarily come from your product.

For example, what do you think are the objections with this product?

I see several, some of which are obvious:

Which Wood Watch brilliantly responds to:

But there are many other objections that are less obvious.

Because you see just this morning I was shopping online to buy a wooden watch (another than Wood Watch)…

And there bam!

The objection of the century popped into my head.

"Is this the right size?" ".

Certainly, for recurring watch buyers, it is obvious that the product comes with a tool to adjust the bracelet according to the size of the wrist.

It's a shame not to mention it, because it's an aspect that almost didn't make me buy.

In short, you can feed objection responses directly into your retargeting ads.


A question of size?

“The Dark Forest watch comes with a tool that allows you to adjust the bracelet according to the size of your wrist. »

A question about forest deforestation? (because they are made from natural wood)

"For every watch you buy, we plant 3 trees"

You have understood the principle.

Then we have…

4. The call to action button

Well here, no need to draw a picture.

You just need to select the button that corresponds to the action your prospect should take.

If you want him to buy, then select "buy".

Why not at the retargeting or loyalty stage, however I strongly advise against it if you are doing acquisition advertising.

This means that if your target has never heard of you, either through your Facebook or Instagram page, or who has never visited your store, it is strongly advised not to use the "buy" button .

Instead, use the "learn more" button.

Finally, some of the advertising has not yet been addressed in this article…

Comments, likes and engagement.

5. Comments, Likes, Engagement

The famous “social proof”, social proof in English.

I'm not hiding anything from you if I told you that Facebook and Instagram are… social networks.

Internet users visiting these platforms are there to share photos, images, etc. with their friends and relatives. They are not there to buy.

But all of this you already know.

So how do you leverage engagement?

It's simple. If you have a lot of interaction on your ad, Facebook reduces the cost of running your ad.

To technically apply it in your Facebook ad manager, create 2 campaigns:

But I won't go into the technical details in this article.

However, be careful of bad comments that can be fatal to you. Do not delete them either even if they are negative, it is ultra-unhealthy for your advertising budget.

At worst, you can benefit from it to improve yourself and in particular show prospects that you are taking care of them by responding to negative reviews.

Know your client

No, I'm not here to tell you once again to know your ideal client.

I'm going to give you a live demonstration instead.

I will take a product and I will create several advertisements based on my advertising target (ideal customer).

To start, I'm going to take this product:

Then, after doing my research, I find that wooden watches are sold very well to “eco-friendly” people and as gifts.

It's particularly complex to sell a gift product to a "cold" audience, so I favored the eco-friendly audience.

So I start “profiling” my target customer.

Demographic criteria and interests

It is very well known to list the demographic criteria first when it comes to creating a personae profile.

Nevertheless, you can go even further with your interests and favorite brands.

Not to be overlooked.

Product benefits

“What’s in it for me?” »

Basically “What do I gain? or "What benefit can I get?" ".

You will have understood that your customers buy your products because they derive a certain benefit from them.


So you can list the benefits of your product in 2 ways:

Primo: Focus on “rational” benefits.

These can be communicated to anyone, including people who are not your ideal client.

Or take up the idea of ​​Wood Watch: “For each watch purchased, we plant 3 trees”.

Deuxio: Focus on “emotional” benefits.

Here, on the other hand, you strike an emotional chord with your target customer.

So you are looking for an emotional reaction to a specific type of argument.

For example, let's take Tiffany's jewelry:

I highly doubt that saying “Become an icon in your own right with a piece that exudes strength and confidence” to a man is going to have much effect on him…

On the other hand, underline the text "become an icon in your own right with a piece that exudes strength and confidence".

I see several non-explicit benefits here:

To sum up, I suppose that Tifanny is aimed at a female audience in search of "power" and respect, admiration from her peers.

It's a bit cliché, but we often see in films men and women of power who "rule the world", who are often cold and rational.

This is the communication angle chosen by Tifanny to promote this jewel through their advertising, flatter their target and speak to their deep desire: to feel in control and to be admired.

Anyway, back to the wooden watch.

So in case I'm looking for emotional arguments that are closely related to this one. I would make sure through the text to make him visualize a certain scene, a result in which my target client can identify.

For example:

Potential product-related objections

The Amazon (.com) site is a must when you want to find your customers' purchase objections. Based on products similar to yours. To do this, go to the “answered questions” section.

I note that my client would ask several questions such as:

Rendering advertisements with several angles

So here are, as promised, several proposals for Facebook advertisements, adapted according to the stage of the sales tunnel at which the client is:

1. Generating desire through sensations – Acquisition

At the rustle of the leaves, the song of the birds... At any moment, we can contemplate nature 🌳🥰 , or even touch it... Let yourself be carried away by its sweetness and beauty.🌿☀️

2. Generating Desire through Profits – Acquisition

Earth. Contemplate it, or even touch it... Let yourself be carried away by its softness and beauty.🌿☀️

🌲 Sustainable wood

🚚 Free delivery

🕑 Free returns

3. Profit Reminder – Retargeting (MOFU)

The planet desperately needs sustainable consumption 🌎❤️

It is thanks to your participation that we have already planted more than 10,000 new trees 🌳 🌳 🌳

🌲 Sustainable wood

🚚 Free delivery

🕑 Free returns

4. Reassure the customer via testimonials – Retargeting (MOFU & BOFU)

“Great watch! I'm delighted, it's even better than I thought. Thank you 😍😘” – Sabrina.

Thanks to Sabrina, 3 new trees have been planted, because yes, we believe in sustainable consumption 😃🌎

5. Breaking down objections (environment) – Retargeting (BOFU)

Global production continues to grow and the effects on the environment are devastating 😟💔

That's why the "Earth" watch is built with 100% sustainable wood 🌲🌎❤️

Did you know? For each watch purchased, we plant 3 trees 🌳🌳🌳

6. Boost sales with urgency – Retargeting (BOFU)

If you complete your purchase within 48 hours, you can benefit from a 20% discount with the code PROMO20 🥰

Remember that with every purchase, we plant 3 trees, because we believe in sustainable consumption 🌎

7. Desire via sensations – Loyalty

NEW: The “Fall” collection has just made its appearance 😍

Specially designed for the autumn period, it will remind you of your most beautiful memories of walks in the forest 🍂💕


In conclusion Facebook advertising is in itself only the acquisition of traffic.

What really converts your customer is your product sheet.

Nevertheless, as we have just seen in this article, if you do not (yet) convert Internet users from advertising, you can then optimize it in order to collect as many clicks as possible. (and in particular to prepare the sale)

Then you have several parts of a Facebook ad:

Each has its own purposes and functions.

However, as we just discussed, the key to any sales communication is knowing your ideal customer.

Of course, but that's not enough.

So, I suggest the following:

If you are an e-merchant and want to stop wasting your budget on Facebook advertising and finally make it profitable, click on the following link: ARF Method Guide.

This is a 1 hour and 40 minute video guide that will help you make your ads profitable and avoid common mistakes that kill your conversions. (no need to enter your email to access the guide)

See you soon!