The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire only had it for a few moments. The member of the government appeared at the wheel of a powerful Lamborghini under the windows of his office in Paris, Thursday, November 4, 2021.
But why did the Minister appear behind the wheel of this luxury car? This Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 will not stay long before the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Seized in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) from a trafficker involved in a money laundering case, it is auctioned this Friday, November 5.
The 2012 Lamborghini, 15,000 kilometers on the odometer, is priced at 150,000 euros.
This Friday morning, it was sold for 227,000 euros to a buyer.
This Friday, it is not just this Lamborghini seized in the ducal city that is being auctioned, but many goods seized by the authorities to offenders.
The Ministry of Justice is selling jewellery, vintage wines, sports cars and watches. The amount of the sale will be paid into the state accounts.
“It’s a virtuous circle. We type the wallet of the delinquents. It benefits the State, therefore all of us, and / or public utility associations ”, according to the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupont-Moretti. A total of 300 seized objects are auctioned this Friday during an event organized in Bercy.
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