After her husband's mourning, Marion changes her life with Energetix magnetized jewelry

After her husband's mourning, Marion changes her life with Energetix magnetized jewelry
Par Carine RobinaultPublié le
L'Écho Sarthois
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« Nous ne guérissons personne.»» D’emblée, Marion Chauveau annonce la couleur. Non, elle n’est pas magicienne. « Nous ne vendons pas du rêve.»» Pourtant, celle qui habite à La Ferté-Bernard depuis vingt ans, est convaincue des bienfaits naturels de ses bijoux aimantés.Après le deuil de son mari, Marion change de vie avec les bijoux aimantés Energetix Après le deuil de son mari, Marion change de vie avec les bijoux aimantés Energetix

Jewelry produced by the German brand Energetix.They are all the rage in the homes of Sarthe, among others.

The diagnosis falls: 2 brain tumors

These jewelry?She discovered them in a dark period, when she was an assistant in a veterinary office in La Ferté-Bernard.

“My husband fell ill in December 2015.Two brain tumors."The start of a long fight for" Loulou ", as she always nicknamed it, for the couple, but also for Marion.

During this period, the mother multiplies the back and forth in Angers, to encourage her husband, takes care of her daughters, and manages the home, in parallel with her work.

« J’ai retrouvé de l’énergie»»

The thirty -something is septic."But to please Dad, and reassure him, I agreed to wear a.»The young woman is always anxious."That doesn't go, we're facing cancer.But I was less tired and I found energy.»»

Après le deuil de son mari, Marion change de vie avec les bijoux aimantés Energetix

However, she does not bother."They gave me a calm in contact with the skin and helped me get better over time. Quand mes filles hurlaient chaque nuit après le départ de leur papa et que les cauchemars ont totalement disparu du jour au lendemain avec un bracelet…»»

« On ne remplace pas un traitement»»

Placebo effect will say some.Marion simply replies: "My personal experience with these magnets was incredible.But everyone must have their own experience with it, because each person reacts differently.And above all, I have already refused to sell it to some people who wanted to stop treatment to replace it with jewelry!It's no. On ne remplace pas des médicaments ni un traitement médical !»»

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Her husband, her springboard

Bracelets, watches, earrings and other rings of the brand created in 2002, helped her overcome the mourning of her husband.She was only 35 years old, and found herself a widow and the mother of two little girls.

A test.That she overcome, very well surrounded.But above all, a radical change of life that resulted from it."I saw the suffering of my husband.He was my springboard.I understood that life was short and that it was necessary to live it fully for my daughters and me.»» Une promesse faite à son marie avant son décès.She admits, she suffered, she collapsed.But today, she emerges strong from this test, thanks to him and his entourage.

« Ces bijoux m’ont sauvé la vie»»

Marion proclaims it loud and clear: "These jewelry saved my life, in parallel with all a job that I did on me.I told myself that contact with people I was missing.And I wanted to be able to help them.So I completely stopped my work as a veterinary assistant at the end of 2020, to follow training and open a cabinet as a hypnosis, reiki and cartomancian practitioner recently.While continuing to sell my jewelry through home meetings and my web page.This is what drives me.»»

Because Marion has a single professional goal: to support others towards their best life.

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