Under the impetus of Inditex, the textile industry in Tangier seeks to decarbonize under the leadership of Inditex, the textile industry in Tangier seeks to decarbonize

Under the impetus of Inditex, the textile industry in Tangier seeks to decarbonize under the leadership of Inditex, the textile industry in Tangier seeks to decarbonize

The business community in the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region is mobilizing for the decarbonation site.Indeed, two important sectors in the region, which are textile-habilion and the automobile, are both dependent on exports to the European Union and, as such, threatened by the future carbon tax.

In this context, contacts have been established between the General Confederation of Companies of Morocco (CGEM) North and the Inditex group."Inditex expresses us to see our carbon footprint to improve in the future.We therefore want to support our companies with a textile-accommodation, as well as the friend, with this objective of decarbonation, "said Adil Raïs, president of the CGEM Nord, at Médias24.

First principal in Morocco, Inditex wants to see the sector decarbonier

INDITEX, the Spanish clothing giant, holder of several highly successful brands (notably Zara), is the largest principal in the textile confection sector in Morocco, at 65%, confirms Mohammed Boubouh,President of the Moroccan Association of Textile and Clothing Industries (AMITH).

According to Adil Raïs, 60% of Inditex sourcing in Morocco is done in the Tangier region.This is the reason why a meeting brought together those responsible for the CGEM Nord, several players in the textile-habilion sector, Inditex and the European Investment Bank (BEI), last Thursday.

"These discussions with Inditex have been underway for almost a year.There is a commitment on their part, since they are represented by senior officials.Inditex wants to consolidate the Moroccan industrial fabric that works with them.There is a complete predisposition of them to support the sector and to work in the medium and long term with Morocco, ”says Adil Raïs.BEI, on the other hand, has also expressed interest: "It is ready to provide support in terms of advice and expertise to achieve these objectives.»»

"It's been a long time since the Inditex group started this program.He started with deputy and dyeing companies. Il leur a imposé de changer de chaudière pour passer du fuel et du gasoil à la biomasse»», nous confie Mohammed Boubouh.

Sous l’impulsion d’Inditex, l’industrie textile à Tanger cherche à se décarboner Sous l’impulsion d’Inditex, l’industrie textile à Tanger cherche à se décarboner

"The group also has an important program to encourage waste recycling.He also supports a project set up by two Spanish companies. Il s’agit d’une entreprise de recyclage de déchets de maille ou des articles de maille non vendus, qui peuvent être utilisés par la suite pour la filature, le tissage et l’ennoblissement»», poursuit-il.

« La décarbonation n’est plus un luxe, c’est une nécessité»»

« L’AMITH a préparé une vision que nous avons partagée avec nos membres, et qu’elle a baptisée « Daym»» [ndlr : littéralement, « durable»»], pour avoir un secteur qui intègre le développement durable. Nous sommes en train de sensibiliser les acteurs du secteur sur le fait qu’il faut adopter une production éco-responsable»», souligne Mohammed Boubouh.

"It's not just the Inditex group;It is now a global trend.Eco-responsible production, it is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. D’autant que dès janvier 2023, l’Union européenne imposera une taxe carbone»», rappelle-t-il.

In this configuration, the geographic proximity of Morocco with Europe plays in its favor."The more the article will travel for kilometers, the more taxed it will be. Cela nous mène à une cartographie mondiale du sourcing très favorable pour le Maroc»», estime Mohammed Boubouh.

Adil Raïs also thinks that the logistical factor will benefit in Morocco."Inditex's goal is also to reduce the logistics chain.Because the conclusion they derive from this pandemic is that they have to bring their sourcing closer and the entire value chain of Europe.Thanks to this proximity, we gain competitiveness.»»

Decarbonation also involves upstream integration

Adil Raïs also thinks that we should not go halfway.“With this objective of decarbonation, we also try to create an upstream textile, here in Morocco, because we find ourselves importing fabric and accessories from distant countries which have a significant carbon footprint.»»

Adil Raïs also invited Inditex representatives to visit industrial units that make the fabric in Tangier, to assess their integration potential in their value chains. « Il y avait beaucoup plus d’unités il y a vingt ans»», regrette-t-il toutefois.

It must also be said that green energy does not only decarbonize, but also to reduce costs.Mohammed Boubouh thinks "that there is no secret;upstream of the sector is an energy -consuming industry. Il faut donc avoir un prix du kWh qui soit compétitif»».

The state called to play a more important role

"I salute the effort made by Morocco SMEs to subsidized up to 30% solar plates. Malheureusement, le budget prévu pour cette année est déjà consommé»», déclare Mohammed Boubouh, qui souhaite voir les pouvoirs publics apporter un soutien un peu plus encourageant que celui de Maroc PME.

Adil Raïs is of the same opinion: "The confection units do not have the means to equip themselves alone in green energy.There must be subsidies to help manufacturers do it, and these must be gave simpler ways.Monitoring and control must also be simplified.You have to trust the Moroccan company more.»»

Il recommande aussi d’apporter plus de libéralisation au secteur de l’énergie, « en modifiant la loi pour pouvoir mieux optimiser l’installation énergétique, comme par exemple pouvoir vendre l’énergie à son voisin»».

"We have informed the Ministry of Industry of these initiatives, and work in close collaboration with the friend.We play a facilitator role with these major world players to consolidate the sector in Tangier.»»

L’automobile, autre secteur phare de Tanger qui a besoin de décarbonation

The other important sector in Tangier is the automobile.Adil Raïs likes to remember that this sector also needs decarbonation. « Nous avons déjà travaillé sur la décarbonation d’une dizaine d’entreprises marocaines dans le secteur des pièces automobiles»», dit-il.

"This decarbonation is underway, with double support from the CGEM and the Moroccan Association for Industry and Automobile Construction (AMICA).It is a first in Morocco that a group of companies with Moroccan capital takes the initiative to decarboner.»»

"We are installing photovoltaic cells on all the roofs of these factories to allow to work as long as possible with clean energy. Cela réduira les coûts énergétiques»», explique enfin Adil Raïs.