Fashion: Collective cloakroom raises 178 million from Kering

Fashion: Collective cloakroom raises 178 million from Kering

Kering decided to invest in used luxury.The French luxury giant has just affected 5 % of the collective cloakroom capital, a pioneer in the online sale of second -hand items.Participation in the capital carried out on the occasion of a fundraising of 178 million euros from the platform, this time with Kering and the American Fund Tiger Global Management.Historical shareholders, Maximilian Bittner, the CEO of collective cloakroom, Bpifrance and Condé Nast also participate in this operation, which allows collective cloakroom to win the status of "French unicorn", in other words a valued company moreone billion euros.

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A leap of 100 % in 2020

Launched in 2009, the site does not communicate its sales.But it displays an Olympic shape.In 2020, the Covid crisis favored its activity which jumped 100 % compared to the previous year, with some 11 million users, and more than 3 million items offered online, handbags or otherclothes.Nearly three -quarters are luxury pieces.These new means will allow it to accelerate its growth.

For [Kering, this investment is a means of sticking to the developments in the fashion market.The owner of Gucci and Balenciaga will sit on the board of directors.For François-Henri Pinault, his CEO, “second-hand luxury is a real and deep trend, especially among young consumers.Rather than ignoring it, on the contrary, we want to seize this opportunity ”.The site will thus develop partnerships with luxury brands, such as the one already signed in mid-February with Alexander McQueen (Kering).The idea: to allow its customers to bring back the parts they no longer wear, then sold once authenticated on a collective locker room.They get a voucher for the brand in exchange.

Kering has been thinking about new models on the Internet for several years and in sustainable development.He had notably studied clothing subscription systems."Our strategy aims to invest in brands and technologies intended for the next generation of consumers, by favoring economic rupture models capable of helping us to better serve our customers," says Grégory Boutté, manager of digital in the group.

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Conquering the American market

Mode : Vestiaire Collective lève 178 millions auprès de Kering

The second -hand fashion market is in strong progression.It could reach more than $ 60 billion by 2025, according to collective cloakroom, "the share of second-hand parts in the individual wardrobe from 21 % in 2021 to 27 % in 2023".In France, this sector is estimated at more than a billion euros.Its increase is carried by the young generations, who thus want to commit to a more sustainable fashion.A global phenomenon.The arrival of Tiger Global Management will help develop the platform on the American market, where it is already present.But not only.The fund wants to "capitalize on already spectacular growth in the United States and Asia-Pacific.In January 2021, local sellers in these two geographic areas recorded growth of more than 250 % of their number of items sold compared to the previous year, ”said the latter.Collective cloakroom has offices in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Les Français plébiscitent une mode durable
La mode durable continue de faire des adeptes. C'est ce qui ressort d'un sondage IFOP commandé par Chloé Cohen, à l'origine du mouvement pour « une mode meilleure », porte-parole des jeunes marques. Il indique que 79 % des Français sont pour la mise en place d'un label écologique, sur le modèle du Nutri-Score. Car « ils restent méfiants vis-à-vis des discours écologiques des marques ». Ils sont aussi 70 % à se déclarer prêts à arrêter d'acheter de la « fast fashion ». Mieux, ​39 % auraient déjà sauté le pas. « La crise du Covid a servi de prise de conscience sur le fait qu'on n'avait pas besoin d'acheter autant, indique Chloé Cohen. Il s'agit souvent d'achats compulsifs ». En pleine Fashion Week, 81 % des sondés seraient fiers que la France organise un rendez-vous « responsable », avec des maisons soucieuses de leur impact sur l'environnement.
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