Benjamin Mendy accused of rape: his loved ones tell of his unbridled life and their theory on the case

Benjamin Mendy accused of rape: his loved ones tell of his unbridled life and their theory on the case
© Michael Alesi
1/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy est un joueur de football.
Par Marine T.

Since August 27, 2021, Benjamin Mendy has been sleeping in prison.Accused of rape, he was placed in pre -trial detention.A descent into hell told by his relatives in Le Parisien, Friday September 10, 2021.

He is today far from football fields and his comfort of his house in the English countryside.For good reason, since August 27, 2021, Benjamin Mendy has been in pre -trial detention.This is the decision taken by the Chester court when he is suspected of having committed a sexual assault last January and four rapes: three on the same young woman last October, a fourth on a 17 -year -old girlin August.The world football champion lived an incredible descent into hell in just a few months.In any case, this is what his relatives ensure in the columns of the Parisian, Friday September 10, 2021.That same day, the former player of the French team will appear before the Chester court to be fixed on the date of his future trial.In the best of cases, it could be released under a highly regulated judicial control.

Coming from a poor family, Benjamin Mendy immediately spent his money as soon as he broke into the football world.According to his relatives, buying luxury clothes or cars were his way of standing out.If he benefits from life, he continues to make great performances in the field."Benjamin's main problem is that no one around him was able to put him back on the right way," said Brice Samba, the father of the well -known goalkeeper who has the same name.Nevertheless, the facts alleged against him are far too serious for him."It doesn't stick at all with the image I have of him," he said.Same thing for his daughter-in-law, who believes that even if he liked to please the girls, he was not a predator.

The relatives of Benjamin Mendy evoke the revenge of a woman

According to other relatives, it is the thesis of revenge that is advanced.Benjamin Mendy would have promised a couple life to a young woman and would not have held her promise.She would have decided to take revenge with such accusations.To better make his voice heard, he decided to change lawyers by choosing a woman.For his part, Benjamin Mendy is presumed innocent.

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© Pierre Perusseau
2/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy a joué avec l'équipe de France.
© Moreau-Perusseau
3/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy est champion du monde.
4/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy est accusé de viols.
© Moreau-Perusseau
5/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy est également accusé d'agression sexuelle.
6/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy est en détention provisoire.
7/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy dort en prison.
© Anthony Bibard
8/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy aime faire la fête.
9/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy lors d'un entraînement avec l'équipe de France.
10/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy a 27 ans.
© Zuma Press
11/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy a joué dans de nombreux clubs.
© Michael Alesi
12/12 - Benjamin Mendy Benjamin Mendy a joué à Monaco.
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    Benjamin Mendy accusé de viols : ses proches racontent sa vie débridée et leur théorie sur l'affaire

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    AnonymeLe 11/09 à 09:24

    Too bad for him hihihi justice will take care of it

    02RépondreSignaler un abus
    AnonymeLe 11/09 à 07:59

    Justice will be guilty or if it is the revenge of a woman or to extort the money

    20RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3832915Le 11/09 à 00:10

    XDDD "who believes that even if he liked to please the girls, he was not a predator"...Well if it is because it is good in this case to please girls ???To do the handjob as when he exhibits his beautiful cars ???

    00RépondreSignaler un abus
    XanoLe 10/09 à 20:59

    So he would have raped the same woman three times, before she decides to file a complaint?It seems a bit big to me;But it's resonates strangely.

    53RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3832043Le 10/09 à 18:07

    Already we pay fortunes of people without cultures while the researchers are poorly paid...If we had only footballers in our society, we would all have died and in addition they believe they are allowed, they really believe these uncultivates that they deserve the money he earns?

    97RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3832920Le 11/09 à 00:15

    XDDD "Foodle, are not paid with our taxes..." bah si justement, où crois tu que cà viend l'argent??? l'état fr a du mal à se faire de la tune & surtout que la banque de l'état fr est en déficie banquaire depuis plus d'un demi siécle, donc...

    20 Signaler un abus
    AdouaLe 10/09 à 21:30

    If the researcher wanted to win millions, he would have chosen another job.Know that jealousy has never solved any problem.The footballer's employer is not the state.

    55 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3832639Le 10/09 à 21:01

    It is not because we come from a poor family or has a culture different from yours that we have no culture.And I do not see the relationship between the pay of footballers and the pay of doctors.Do you expect Qatar to finance French hospitals?Have you warned your doctors and the potential patients they will have to perform their surgical operations on a lawn in front of millions of people they will have to attract?And that their private and pro lives will be controlled by others?In short, comparison off topic.

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