Astronauts can finally start cleaning their space underwear (with microbes)

Astronauts can finally start cleaning their space underwear (with microbes)

Lorsque les vêtements deviennent trop sales ou malodorants pour qu’un astronaute puisse les porter plus longtemps, ils sont renvoyés à Terre comme une poubelle ou est emballée dans une capsule, qui est ensuite éjectée dans l’espace et brûle dans l’atmosphère terrestre, dit la NASA.

LCVGs are only worn during space outings, but astronauts work harder than usual when they carry this common underwear.An LCVG is very adjusted, covering the members and the torso, and it keeps astronauts in the Fridge during the extreme physical effort to work in the space of space (an adult layer is carried below, in case theAstronaut would need to relieve himself for an hour.-Long exit in space).Gas ventilation takes wet air away From the ends, while flexible tubes sewn in the garment circulate cooling water around the body and help eliminate excess heat and maintain a comfortable body temperature. selon le National Air and Space Museum.

ESA scientists were already studying candidate materials for upgrading layers of spatial combinations.This new initiative "is a useful complement, by examining the small molecules killing bacteria which could be useful for all types of spatial flight textiles - including the interiors of space combinations", Malgorzata, engineer in ESA materials.Holynska said in the declaration.

Les astronautes peuvent enfin commencer à nettoyer leurs sous-vêtements spatiaux (avec des microbes)

"It may seem counterattack to get rid of microbes using microbes products," said Seda Özdemir-Fritz, scientist of the Bacterma project at the Austrian Space Forum, in the press release."But all kinds of organisms use secondary metabolites to protect themselves From extreme environmental conditions.The project will examine them as an innovative antimicrobial textile finish.»»

Les scientifiques testeront les performances des propriétés antimicrobiennes des nouveaux textiles en les exposant à la sueur, à la poussière lunaire et radiation, pour simuler des conditions qui pourraient accélérer le vieillissement et la détérioration du tissu dans l’espace, a ajouté Holynska.

Originally published on 45seconds.Fr.