A hedge has different functions that can be accumulated, it can be intended to close a property, to serve as a wind breeze or a breeze view, to be simply ornamental and sometimes, it has been specially thought of to attract birds, small fauna (hedgehogs…) and insects whose bees.
If the slightest bzzz makes you panic, rest assured, a melliferous hedge will prevent you that the bees make you the courtyard, they will be more attracted by more interesting than you: the flowers of a honey hedge.
Nectarifers or honey plants produce flowers full of pollen and nectar which allow domestic bees to feed and make good honey in addition to pollinating.Besides, these inflorescences will also be coveted by bumblebees, wild bees and other pollinating insects.While the preservation of biodiversity has never been so worrying, promoting it by planting a varied mellifer hedge will only be beneficial.
A varied melliferous hedge is very important for several reasons.First, the different species of planted shrubs will not all flourish at the same time and the more you widen the amplitude of flowering of the hedge, the more the bees will appreciate because it is often the months of the beginning and the end of the period when thefood for them is rarer (February-March then October-November).
Furthermore, it is not enough to plant flower shrubs to create a honey hedge since certain flowery plants are curiously shunned by bees, this is particularly the case with forsythia and syringat.It is advisable, in addition to choosing shrubs whose flowers are adapted to the morphology of bees so that they manage to votten pollen, nectar, propolis and honeydew.For this, the stamens must be relatively protruding, which is the case for simple flowers but less for double flowers.Finally, prefer the blue or yellow flower blooms that love bees more.
Finally, there is no point in planting a honey hedge by going to look for exotic, sometimes expensive species, which will be unsuitable for the environment.Instead, for indigenous local species that bees are used to giving up.You will increase your chances of observing a good resumption of "already" shrubs adapted to the climate and the ground.
In the end, you will have to choose according to your region, possibilities of form to give by size, desired dimensions, more or less rapid growth ...
Other honey shrubs will also be able to find their place in a hedge intended to attract bees: rose, Spirée, Cotoneaster, Photinia, Troène, Mahonia, Laurier Tin, Pyracantha, Weigela, Laurier du Portugal, Amélanchier…