A place of honor in China - Madagascar-tribune.com

A place of honor in China - Madagascar-tribune.com

😑 Out of topic / For fedés-rings,

It has nothing to do with the article, but I wanted to complete my details of yesterday on this penchant of the Gasy federates at secession: apparently, you could say that you are thirsty for budgetary and admninistive decentralization, of deconcentration of the deconcentration ofEXECUTIVE AND LEGISTULTIVE POWER...But why use this term federalism ???Doubt settles because basically, and in reality, what you want is the existence of several states !!!And these states, then, can federate (that is to say to unite) if they want 😨.

Une place d’honneur à la Chine - Madagascar-Tribune.com

And you dare not say it.And you get confused in your current explanations of a choice between a unit state constitution (as if there is not a multiplicity of possible constitutions for a unitary state, including federalism which is -I always remember- a union of states) and your supposed federalist constitution which is absurd by definition since there are not several states to bring together or to federate in Madagascar !!!

More zero than a Fed Gasy, you die.

To close this subject with a teenage valve in search of sexual benchmark (this is your current mental age, moreover according to your confused speech), say that "the Gasy federated are mistaken or target like thep.Édés "😂