Transplantation, a vogue technique to thicken the eyebrows

Transplantation, a vogue technique to thicken the eyebrows

A month after revealing that she had suffered a eyebrow transplant, the model Chrissy Teigen unveiled her new final look on December 30."Welcome, new eyebrows!", She wrote in legend of a short video posted on her Instagram account, in which she shows the results of the intervention she suffered at the end of November 2021.

Just after the procedure, Chrissy Teigen had shown the first immediate effects to his subscribers, proudly displaying his thicker, bushy and redesigned eyebrow line, but still "a little dark because of the pencil.»»»»»»»»The hairs located in its browser arcade seem to have repelled since, giving way to a more natural rendering.

"I never wear makeup if I can avoid it, so I was so excited by this eyebrow transplant operation," said John Legend's wife in a photo posted in story on the social network heA month ago, advising adolescents not to tear their eyebrows as she had the misfortune to do once.

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"The eyebrows play an important role in the aesthetics of the face.They supervise their eyes and can be either an asset, or the annoying part of your morning where you have to spend ten minutes to fill them, "commented his Esterable surgeon, Doctor Jason Diamond, in an Instagram publication revealing his intervention on the eyebrowsAmerican model."I know too many people, even whole generations, who have too much liked their eyebrows to follow a trend, or who simply suffer from the eyebrows over time.»»»»»»»»

Reconstruct the eyebrow line

This practice of aesthetic medicine is increasingly requested in the office by people who seek to redefine their eyes because of excessive hair removal, alopecia, a failed permanent makeup or simply eyebrows that are scarce withage. Contrairement au microblading qui consiste à redessiner ses sourcils avec du maquillage semi-permanent, ou au «brow lamination»»»»»»»» qui les rehausse et les épaissit, la microgreffe capillaire recrée la ligne sourcilière grâce à de vrais cheveux, prélevés sur le cuir chevelu.

La transplantation, technique en vogue pour épaissir les sourcils

This method called "F.U.E.»»»»»»»» (Follicular Unit Transplantation) est exactement la même que celle utilisée pour une transplantation de cheveux traditionnelle : «On prélève chaque follicule un par un à l’arrière du crâne, généralement sur la zone de la couronne qui est une bonne zone donneuse»»»»»»»», nous explique le Docteur Christina Shanouda, médecin esthétique au cabinet Lazeo à Paris."Then, we replace them where we want, without leaving a scar.»»»»»»»»

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A result in several stages but "final"

After mentioning possible history and contraindications, a first exchange between the patient and the doctor makes it possible to determine the size, shape and density of the desired eyebrows."We define the eyebrow diagram that the patient would like to have, according to what is achievable. On prend surtout en compte la typologie et l’harmonie du visage »»»»»»»», explique le Dr.Shanouda, stating that "any type of hair can use it.Everything is implantable.»»»»»»»» Seules les personnes souffrant d’alopécie généralisée n'y trouveront pas leur compte, car «leur cheveu ne va pas forcément bien s’implanter»»»»»»»» sur l’arcade sourcilière.

This non -invasive method, carried out under local anesthesia, lasts two to three hours, consultation included.The operation leaves some bruises for a week, and small crusts are likely to form on the skin.

You will have to be patient before admiring the first results: "You must wait until the hair repels, which generally takes between six and nine months. Durant tout ce temps, il est nécessaire de couper les poils pour leur donner la forme d’un sourcil»»»»»»»», prévient la spécialiste."The hair must adapt to the environment in which it has been implanted, it takes time.After nine to twelve months, the hair stops growing like a hair and really becomes a hair of eyebrow.»»»»»»»» Une fois ce palier enfin atteint, «c’est définitif, les poils ne chutent plus»»»»»»»», assure l’experte.

A more "safe" technique and a more "natural" effect

La pandémie et les confinements ont nettement participé à l’avènement de la tendance du «no make-up»»»»»»»» et favorisé les pratiques de médecine esthétique qui permettent de se libérer du maquillage. «Les gens ont vu les méfaits du microblading, notamment des couleurs qui virent… Maintenant, ils se dirigent vers d’autres techniques plus sûres et plus naturelles en terme de résultats»»»»»»»», observe le Dr.Shanouda, who notes a request for an eyebrow transplant for a few years from women aged 20 to 45.

"Most of the time, these are patients who do not want to do microblading or these hair tattooing techniques. Elles veulent redéfinir et redessiner leur sourcil avec un résultat plutôt naturel et définitif»»»»»»»», poursuit le docteur."As for patients under chemotherapy, they generally expect to regain hair, then they come to see us to refour the eyebrow they had.»»»»»»»»

In terms of prices, it takes between 1.200 € and 2.000 € for the complete procedure according to the desired results, from the simple filling of holes to the total restructuring of the eyebrow.

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