The new fashion: film yourself resigning on Tiktok

The new fashion: film yourself resigning on Tiktok

In the United States, a phenomenon, which appeared on the Tiktok social network, continues to inflate since October.They call him: "The great resignation".Concretely ?In response to the pandemic, employees express and exhibit their fed up by filming when leaving their jobs, then posting the video in question on the social network.

"I praise managers, I bother this company, I bother this position.I resign.This is what Shana Blackwell said about her video, where we see her speaking in the speaker of her workplace, a Walmart store.This American is the source of the #quitmyjob trend on Tiktok.After the publication of its images, which has become viral, the social network found itself flooded with posts modeled on the same model.

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On video, the new trend that panics Tik Tok

Between March and May 2021, 11 million Americans resigned, including 4 million in April, explains Courrier International.Awareness of a desire for reorientation, reassessment of the relationship to work or choice to pass its mental health in priority, this record highlights serious dysfunctions of life at work.

La nouvelle mode : se filmer en train de démissionner sur TikTok

Praising the new life that holds their arms in video, the employees having spent the course appear more than delighted with this decision."I'm just happy to do this for me, I don't have the slightest idea of what will happen next.I have a blue fear but I am happy and happy, "exults one, when another affirms:" Today, it was my last day of office life, and I go from there to good!I did it, and I am very proud of myself! "

By filming and posting their decision, it is not only to them that they give courage, but also to all those who will see their video."I hope this will give you inspiration, encourage you or motivate you to do something similar or do what you want to do for a long time.»That said, a problem remains significant for these people favoring their psychological well-being: a strong precariousness.The decision to resign is not always, depending on situations, the response to the problem.

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In France too, the health crisis, rehearsal confinements and forced teleworking have exhausted employees.The border between private and professional life was becoming thinner and the pressure has intensified.The Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics Animation (DARES) has established a report on the consequences of the crisis on working conditions and psycho-social risks.Result: almost one in three French workers (32 %) felt his working conditions deteriorate.If, in France, this general state does not systematically lead to a resignation, almost half of workers (49 %) plan to change jobs in the short or medium term, explains the 2021 training and employment barometer 2021(Inffo/CSA center).

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