Philippe Chevallier: Who is his wife Stéphanie?

Philippe Chevallier: Who is his wife Stéphanie?
© Marc Ausset Lacroix
1/12 - Philippe Chevallier et Stéphanie Philippe Chevallierpartage sa vie avec Stéphanie.
Par Tiffany Iacomacci

Philippe Chevallier a évoqué sa femme Stéphanie lors d'une interview accordée à Jordan De Luxe le 18 octobre dernier. Mais qui est-elle ? Philippe Chevallier : qui est sa femme Stéphanie ? Philippe Chevallier : qui est sa femme Stéphanie ?

He is discrete.While the humorist is constantly on the spotlight, he made the choice not to publicly approach a particular subject...his private life.Rare are the times he agrees to evoke it and it is generally only a few sentences.Now 65 years old, he shares his life with Stéphanie, whom he married in 2016.As the magazine had revealed here Paris at that time, the two lovebirds had said "yes" in the town hall of the 16th arrondissement of Paris.Philippe Chevallier's witness was none other than Régis Laspalès, his lifelong acolyte.Regarding Stéphanie, no information concerning her has been given, apart from the fact that she is expensive to her husband.Faced with Luxe Jordan this Monday, October 18, the humorist said: "I have an adorable woman, but - fortunately she doesn't like jewelry - she likes to go to the restaurant and she likes clothes".Amused, he then clarified: "But when we love, what is the formula? We do not count".Rare confidences showing that Philippe Chevallier is a happy man.

A discreet woman.While sharing the life of the humorist, Stéphanie does not wish to be in the spotlight.On the occasion of a portrait produced by Liberation in 2006, journalists had gone to the home of Philippe Chevallier for the interviewer."In the entrance to his apartment, we met his partner who discreetly disappears," we had read. Quelques années plus tard, l'humoriste avait acccepté d'évoquerhis private life et avait simplement expliqué que c'est sa femme Stéphanie qui s'occupe de préparer le dîner."The woman I saw prepare for dinner.I am greedy and gourmet but not a follower of too sophisticated cuisine, "he said first before clarifying:" I prefer the Roborative to the complicated ", he concluded.A little confidence that had not gone unnoticed.

Philippe Chevallier: Why did he mention his wife when he spoke of the 2022 presidential elections?

Faced with Jordan de Luxe, Philippe Chevallier said that if he has to vote between Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour in the presidential elections, his choice will focus on the RN candidate."For the moment, I will put it at Marine because I find that there is a popular base.I'm not saying that by demagoguery.I find that there are people who suffer, "he said.Subsequently, we revealed to "hurt my country and I say that, to love others, you have to love yourself.My wife is Senegalese, I have no lessons to receive on this, "he concluded.A new little confidence on his wife, who was very unexpected.

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2/12 - Philippe Chevallier Tous deux se sont mariés en 2016.
© Marc Ausset Lacroix
3/12 - Philippe Chevallier Leur union a été célébrée dans le 16ème arrondissement de Paris.
© Giancarlo Gorassini
4/12 - Philippe Chevallier Philippe Chevallierest un homme comblé.
5/12 - Philippe Chevallier Il est très discret.
6/12 - Philippe Chevallier Il a fait le choix de ne pas évoquerhis private life publiquement.
7/12 - Philippe Chevallier Il a opté pour la discrétion.
8/12 - Philippe Chevallier Il ne fait que de rares confidences.
9/12 - Philippe Chevallier Il a indiqué que sa femme lui coûte cher.
© Giancarlo Gorassini
10/12 - Philippe Chevallier Il affirme que par amour, il est prêt à tout.
11/12 - Philippe Chevallier Philippe Chevallierest constamment sur le devant de la scène.
© Christophe Aubert via Bestimage
12/12 - Philippe Chevallier Il a récemment évoqué les présidentielles de 2022.
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    Anonyme3972290Le 30/10 à 18:11

    Philippe Chevallier : qui est sa femme Stéphanie ?

    In their country they are married at 12/13 years old with men who could be their grandfather.It doesn't bother him too much, to take a humorist, Western, not very spoiled by nature, but sympathetic.

    00RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme4040343Le 26/11 à 00:37

    Stop fantasizing!

    00 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3978562Le 02/11 à 09:08

    What country are you talking about? Until the French Revolution, girls could get married at 12 years old.This changed according to the eras.

    20 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3964968Le 27/10 à 10:36

    Everyone finds their account, now has a nurse for their old days...Unless it plants it by then for a more appetizing!

    00RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3960102Le 25/10 à 16:19

    When is Jean Roucas who was put to the door of Don Camillo, excluded from TV or radio for having supported Marine Le Penalors that now Philippe Chevallier, Géraldine Maillet, Isabelle Morini Bosc, Elisabeth Levy, Alain Finkielkraut, JeanLouis Murat, Jean Claude Dassier, Philippe Bilger, openly support Mr Zemmour or Mrs. Le Pen?

    230RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3959750Le 25/10 à 13:07

    When you get married to a 20 -year -old woman, she is the one who marries you......

    11RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3960080Le 25/10 à 16:09

    For your situation, not for your physique.

    190 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3959726Le 25/10 à 13:04

    Should we laugh at the questions acting as a title ????Honestly there are some who believe that she fell in love?She looked for a situation and found it....

    121RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3960078Le 25/10 à 16:09

    Exactly even drunk no woman could fall in love with such a hideous being.Only money allows him to hold....

    190 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3959323Le 25/10 à 07:58

    Grandpa gets his noodle pulled

    110RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3960075Le 25/10 à 16:08

    Grandpa Archi ugly.

    110 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3959028Le 24/10 à 20:18

    He has token bad! I live in the northern districts of Marseille not many sores!

    170RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3957400Le 23/10 à 22:49

    White men for black women are colorado

    214RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3960070Le 25/10 à 16:07

    White men "with money".

    100 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3958168Le 24/10 à 13:44

    Stop taking your bladders for lanterns!Do you really believe what you say?Your speech is very naive and laughable.

    40 Signaler un abus
    Anonyme3957894Le 24/10 à 10:22


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