Jewelry: jewelry stores on ethical gold

Jewelry: jewelry stores on ethical gold
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Durée de la vidéo :3 min.
Article rédigé par
J. Van Hove, C-M. Denis, P. Crapoulet, F. Fontaine - France 3
France Télévisions
Édition du mardi 28 septembre 2021

L'extraction de l'or éthique se fait en respectant l'environnement et des conditions de travail décentes. Seules 12 mines dans le monde répondent à ces deux critères. Joaillerie : des bijouteries misent sur l'or éthique Joaillerie : des bijouteries misent sur l'or éthique

Joaillerie : des bijouteries misent sur l'or éthique

Gold is in the midst of an ethical revolution.For example, the famous Palme d'Or of the Cannes Film Festival has been 100% eco -responsible for three years.In a Parisian jewelry store, all jewelry is in recycled gold.More and more customers bring to Sacha Pavan, jeweler and co -founder of ethical jewelry "or from the world", old or broken jewelry.The gold is melted and then refined in pure gold, in the form of grenailles.

Secure mines

This brand refuses to contribute to mining extraction, because gold is infinitely recyclable."Today, there is enough gold already extracted for the next 50 years of jewelry, it is not necessary to continue to get into the soils," said Sacha Pavan.In the Parisian workshop of the Paulette with a bicycle ", we also work ethical gold.It is not recycled, but extract from Fairmumed certified mines, an independent Colombian label founded in 2004."In these mines, there are no working children, then minors have decent and equal income (...), these are mines in which the galleries are secure, "explains Hélène Grassin, founder of Paulette with bicycle.

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